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Hands of the Morri

 Author: Heather K. O'Malley  Category: Fantasy, Fiction, Romance  Publisher: Bold Strokes Books  Published: October 10, 2023  ISBN: 1636794653  Pages: 266  Language: English  Alibris  Amazon  Barnes & Noble  Bookshop org  Kobo  Publisher  Find in a Library

When Nibs’s human is abused by his father because of his gender and runs off with an all-female group of warriors called the Hands, Nibs is worried and takes flight to follow. Someone has to keep the young man out of trouble.

However, trouble finds them. Discovering she is a Lost Sister and growing acquainted with her new body, the now renamed Asche learns how to be a warrior and commune with the Goddess the Hands serve, the Morri. Asche works hard on her steel so she can be truly strong, and as the motto for the Hands goes, forge herself anew.

That found strength will be tested as the Hands discover they are being targeted by slavers and must defend their village in a Holy war. Battling against bandits and the God supporting them, Nibs isn’t sure all Asche’s training will be enough to save her.

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