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Chef’s Choice

 Author: TJ Alexander  Category: Romance  Publisher: Simon and Schuster  Published: May 30, 2023  ISBN: 9781982189105  Pages: 336  Language: English  Alibris  Amazon  Barnes & Noble  Bookshop org  Kobo  Find in a Library

In Chef’s Choice, a deliciously delightful queer rom-com, a fake dating arrangement turns to real love.

When Luna O’Shea is unceremoniously fired from her frustrating office job, she tries to count her blessings: she’s a proud trans woman who has plenty of friends, a wonderful roommate, and a good life in New York City. But blessings don’t pay the bills.

Enter Jean-Pierre, a laissez-faire trans man and the heir to a huge culinary empire—which he’ll only inherit if he can jump through all the hoops his celebrity chef grandfather has placed in his path.

First hoop: he needs a girlfriend, a role that Luna is happy to play…for the right price. She’s got rent to pay, after all!

Second hoop: they both need to learn how to cook a series of elaborate, world-renowned family recipes to prove that Jean-Pierre is a worthy heir.

Admittedly, Luna doesn’t even know how to crack an egg, but she’s not going to let that—or any pesky feelings for Jean-Pierre—stop her. Another swoon-worthy and heartwarming queer love story from a charming new voice in romance.

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About the author

TJ Alexander

TJ Alexander is a critically acclaimed author who writes about queer love. Originally from Florida, they received their MA in writing and publishing from Emerson College in Boston. They live in New York City with their wife and various houseplants....

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