Lammy Award Finalist: The Call-Out

The Call-Out by Cat Fitzpatrick finalist for Transgender Fiction Lambda Award

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The Call-Out
Cat Fitzpatrick
(Seven Stories Press, 2022)
9781644212332 (Print). 9781644212349 (Ebook).   
Buy Print:      Publisher | Bookshop 
Buy Ebook:   Publisher | Kobo 

From the publisher’s website:

“Aashvi, Kate, Bette, Keiko, Gaia, and Day are six queer women surviving and thriving in Brooklyn. Visiting all the fixtures of fashionable 21st century queer society—picnics, literary readings, health conferences, drag shows, punk houses, community accountability processes, Grindr hookups—The Call-Out also engages with pressing questions around economic precarity, sexual consent, racism in queer spaces, and feminist theory, in the service of asking what it takes to build, or destroy, a marginalized community.

A novel written in verse, The Call-Out recalls the Russian literary classic Eugene Onegin, but instead of 19th century Russian aristocrats crudely solved their disagreements with pistols, the participants in this rhyming drama have developed a more refined weapon, the online call-out, a cancel-culture staple. In this passionate tangle of modern relationships, where a barbed tweet can be as dangerous as the narrator’s bon-mots, Cat Fitzpatrick has fashioned a modern novel of manners that gives readers access to a vibrant cultural underground.”

The Call-Out is a finalist for the 2023 Transgender Fiction category of the Lambda Literary Awards. The Lammy Award winners will be announced in June.