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 Author: Devon Jones  Category: Fiction, Lammy Finalist  Publisher:  Published: November 1, 2013  ISBN: 9781304650252  Pages: 212  Language: English

Two stories woven and unraveled together: a young transgender student named Quinn helps his girlfriend escape from a violent home, while almost one hundred years prior, T. S. Eliot’s life is given a fictional retelling. Discovering for himself how abuse survivors can mirror their abusers’ behavior, Quinn finds himself mired in the continuing cycle over the course of two and a half years. A speculative romantic awakening for Eliot in Paris is derailed into his historically miserable first marriage. As four figures struggle with sexuality, destructive incompatibility, and the uncertain territory of trans-inclusive gender politics, the question becomes whether Quinn is trapped not only in one relationship, but also in a biography that is not his own… and a biography he himself has written.

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