about me

Hi! I’m a queer trans man and retired public librarian. I worked in libraries for thirty years, starting as a circulation clerk and ending as a library director before retiring in 2023. I graduated from the University of South Florida in 1996 with a Masters in Library and Information Science.
When not working on this website, you’ll find me writing, reading (of course), researching family history, or enjoying the Sonoran desert, where I live with my partner and our cat and dog.

about this site

The idea for this site has been banging around in my head for some time. There have been several false starts while I figured out how I could use my skillset to share trans and nonbinary books and authors. After realizing I was not made for reviewing books or blogging consistently, I found a WordPress plugin that allows me to build a database of books.

My goal here is to provide a place where people can discover books by trans and nonbinary authors and books with trans and nonbinary characters or topics. That means there are books in here with trans content by trans and nonbinary authors, and books with no trans content that are by trans and nonbinary authors. And there are books by cis authors that have trans content.

Eventually I see this site as representing our past as well as our present. Trans books, especially those self-published or published by small presses, often go out of print quickly. I want to capture the existence of as many as possible before they are lost to time. I also want to provide added content, including research and insights into the books you find here.

This site is in its infancy and there is only me working on it, so it will be a slow building process. If you find it helpful and you’d like to encourage me or you just want to say hi, you can use the contact link in the menu to get in touch.

If you’d like to financially support this website, please click on the button at the bottom of this page.

Thank you for your support. Right now all of this is coming out of my pocket and every dollar helps.