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Wanting in Arabic

 Author: Trish Salah  Category: Lammy Winner, Poetry  Publisher: Tsar Publications  Published: January 1, 2013  ISBN: 1927494303  Language: English

Trish Salah’s recent writing appears in the journals Eleven Eleven, Feminist Studies, Journal of Medical Humanities, No More Potlucks, The Volta/Evening Will Come, West Coast Line and in the anthologies, Féminismes électriques, Sexing the Maple: A Canadian Sourcebook, Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics. In support of her research on the emergence of Transgender Minor/ity Literatures, Salah has been awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant. She is co-editor of a special issue of TSQ. Transgender Studies Quarterly on cultural production, which is due out in 2014, as is her new book of poetry, Lyric Sexology, Vol. 1. She is assistant professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Winnipeg. Book jacket.

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